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30 April 2010

Fruit helps in the process of slimming

Honey bees:
The magic of food, it is a cure for many diseases and health problems, including obesity, which is the best food for the treatment of obesity when dealing with a spoon from the morning
Followed by a cup of tea

It is very helpful to health because it is rich in vitamin (c) reduce the large number of addressing obesity.

Eaten with the Authority, or eaten cooked with the soup, or drink the juice as having squeezed his veins, and this juice is rich in vitamins, and always included in the tables and recipesFood fight obesity.

Features a desirable taste, and helps to get rid of obesity and one of the most vegetables rich in vitamins and important elements of the body

Which is rich in protein, which feeds the body.

Soak a little latency in boiling water with a lemon cut rings, and leaves soaked overnight in the morning drink on an empty stomach.

One of the foods that provide the body with food without fear of obesity.

Is also useful to get rid of obesity

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