Acupuncture is often considered an alternative medical treatment. Though in the United States acupuncture is considered alternative medicine, it is widely practiced in the world and is an extremely common practice in Chinese medicine.
It has been used medical system in China since the 1930s. Most people think of acupuncture as being stuck with needles in some key areas to relieve pain or cure other ailments. It is true that acupuncture involves needles are strategically placed on a body of people, but there are many varieties of acupuncture.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
This type of acupuncture not only acupuncture needles, but also the burning of Chinese herbs. TCM considered in a holistic approach to medicine because it treats the whole person, not only the body but also mind and spirit.
It is based on the concept of Qi (or Chi), believed to be a force of energy in the body retains the functions of the body, including organs, working properly. Qi moves along the body on pathways called meridians with each representing a certain body system or organ function. It is along these lines that the acupuncturist places needles.
The herbs used with the help of acupuncture in strengthening the body. These herbs can be used to help stop the bleeding, fighting a cold and aid digestion, for just a few examples. Normally, plants are used in combinations of three or more and can be taken in pill form, burned and inhaled, or dyes applied to the body during treatment.
Classical Acupuncture is thought the most common type by Westerners. It is also known as the Five Elements acupuncture. Such uses needles only. It is also known as Classical Five Element Acupuncture because it corresponds to the season as the Chinese cycle. This cycle includes:
Summer, Harvest, Fall, Winter, Spring
Acupuncture not only match the seasons, but also the five elements found in nature as they relate to a body of people. These five elements are:
Fire, earth, metal, water, wood
Japanese Acupuncture
Japanese Acupuncture is in the same sense that classical acupuncture, but such uses smaller needles. It also focuses more on accuracy and effective techniques that promote the achievement of impressive results using the smallest possible amount of stimulation.
Electro Acupuncture
As its name suggests, combines acupuncture electro acupuncture traditional associated with low electric current running through the hands and becoming an increasingly popular form of acupuncture. Electro acupuncture uses acupuncture meridians classic, but uses a small device that clips onto the needles. The device sends electrical impulses that the acupuncturist can adjust according to the intensity required.
Unlike Japanese acupuncture, electro acupuncture does not need to be as accurate. The electrical pulses to stimulate a wider area making it easier to treat the area. Those who are sensitive about needles prefer electro acupuncture, because it can be done with electrodes instead of needles and achieve the same results.
Medical Acupuncture
Medical acupuncture is very similar to traditional acupuncture, but it is performed by a licensed physician. It integrates medical science surrounding the neuromuscular anatomy. Some models also include historical acupuncture Chinese, thus creating a hybrid of Western medical science and Eastern Europe.
Auricular Acupuncture
Ear Acupuncture is unique. This type of trafficking throughout the body, like other types of acupuncture, but it does so through specific points in the ears of the patient. The acupuncturist identifies certain nerves in the ear that relate to other parts of the body to help heal or relieve pain in this particular part.
Auricular acupuncture has over 200 acupuncture points to know about the outer ear. This is also called the pinna, commonly known as cartilage. Western auricular acupuncturists use a tool called a acupunctoscope electronica, which is a power tool. This is in the same direction as the electro acupuncture methods. This method is known as Transcutaneous Electical Nerve Stimulation (TENS).
It has been used medical system in China since the 1930s. Most people think of acupuncture as being stuck with needles in some key areas to relieve pain or cure other ailments. It is true that acupuncture involves needles are strategically placed on a body of people, but there are many varieties of acupuncture.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
This type of acupuncture not only acupuncture needles, but also the burning of Chinese herbs. TCM considered in a holistic approach to medicine because it treats the whole person, not only the body but also mind and spirit.
It is based on the concept of Qi (or Chi), believed to be a force of energy in the body retains the functions of the body, including organs, working properly. Qi moves along the body on pathways called meridians with each representing a certain body system or organ function. It is along these lines that the acupuncturist places needles.
The herbs used with the help of acupuncture in strengthening the body. These herbs can be used to help stop the bleeding, fighting a cold and aid digestion, for just a few examples. Normally, plants are used in combinations of three or more and can be taken in pill form, burned and inhaled, or dyes applied to the body during treatment.
Classical Acupuncture is thought the most common type by Westerners. It is also known as the Five Elements acupuncture. Such uses needles only. It is also known as Classical Five Element Acupuncture because it corresponds to the season as the Chinese cycle. This cycle includes:
Summer, Harvest, Fall, Winter, Spring
Acupuncture not only match the seasons, but also the five elements found in nature as they relate to a body of people. These five elements are:
Fire, earth, metal, water, wood
Japanese Acupuncture
Japanese Acupuncture is in the same sense that classical acupuncture, but such uses smaller needles. It also focuses more on accuracy and effective techniques that promote the achievement of impressive results using the smallest possible amount of stimulation.
Electro Acupuncture
As its name suggests, combines acupuncture electro acupuncture traditional associated with low electric current running through the hands and becoming an increasingly popular form of acupuncture. Electro acupuncture uses acupuncture meridians classic, but uses a small device that clips onto the needles. The device sends electrical impulses that the acupuncturist can adjust according to the intensity required.
Unlike Japanese acupuncture, electro acupuncture does not need to be as accurate. The electrical pulses to stimulate a wider area making it easier to treat the area. Those who are sensitive about needles prefer electro acupuncture, because it can be done with electrodes instead of needles and achieve the same results.
Medical Acupuncture
Medical acupuncture is very similar to traditional acupuncture, but it is performed by a licensed physician. It integrates medical science surrounding the neuromuscular anatomy. Some models also include historical acupuncture Chinese, thus creating a hybrid of Western medical science and Eastern Europe.
Auricular Acupuncture
Ear Acupuncture is unique. This type of trafficking throughout the body, like other types of acupuncture, but it does so through specific points in the ears of the patient. The acupuncturist identifies certain nerves in the ear that relate to other parts of the body to help heal or relieve pain in this particular part.
Auricular acupuncture has over 200 acupuncture points to know about the outer ear. This is also called the pinna, commonly known as cartilage. Western auricular acupuncturists use a tool called a acupunctoscope electronica, which is a power tool. This is in the same direction as the electro acupuncture methods. This method is known as Transcutaneous Electical Nerve Stimulation (TENS).
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